French course category and search results do not include most of the French decks created by the community, and French 6 by Memrise is not displaying in the results or in profiles

  • Account: JonathanPeele; also, I do not see the decks when browsing as a guest.

  • Platform: web

  • First Occurrence: Thursday

  • Frequency of Occurrence: 100%

  • Procedure: Simple: I search for French or French 6 in courses or view the French category in courses. For the French 6 issue: I view Memrise’s profile, or view a user’s profile like mine.


This is happening to me also. If I go to the French category on the courses page, I only see a total of 15 French courses. There is no button to load more.

Even other official courses like “A1 French” do not show in the French category on the courses page. It doesn’t even show on the teaching courses page in the Memrise profile (I haven’t checked any other French courses though). However I can continue to study it, so not that a big problem for me personally.

It seems that Memrise created a set of new French courses (French 1-7) less than a week ago. This may have been when the problem started. I was able to find “A1 French” etc until after these new courses were created. OK it may be a coincidence, but in pushing these new courses (currently with very few learners) to the top of the search (***) it may be that Memrise have corrupted the search index!?

I just had a quick look at the Spanish category, to compare the situation. Although it also has this new style of course, the list appears full of the usual suspects, except for the two Memrise courses I am using (“A1 Spanish” and “A2 Spanish - Beyond Beginner”). I didn’t notice any others missing. These two also no longer appear on the teaching courses page in the Memrise profile. I haven’t checked any other languages though.

I realise most of the above may relate to Memrise deciding to hide their existing courses while they promote their new ones. However, the point about most of the French courses not showing still stands.

*** Which you definitely do by the way. For example: these new Memrise courses show before “Hacking Spanish” even when I am searching for that course by name.

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The hidden status of the Memrise A1 and A2 decks is intentional; Memrise wants new users to use the newer decks. See anaqa’s comment in the A1 French forum for reference.

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Thanks, I didn’t think to look in Community Hub - I had looked in Language Quarters. Still finding my way around.

I couldn’t find a post by anaqa (on his profile it shows his last post as 4 days ago - if I read it right). I did find this though: A1/A2 French, German and Spanish courses converted to A1=1,2,3 / A2=4,5,6,7

I meant the A1 French forum. anaqa’s comment is here:

Unfortunately, anaqa doesn’t explain why most of the French decks are now invisible in the course search when using the web app. I’m guessing they knew about the problem, but I posted this thread in the case that they didn’t.

Thanks for the info. Sorry for polluting your bug report. Cheers.

@JonathanPeele ~ “Memrise wants new users to use the newer decks”. That is a fair statement. But what happened to the previously listed courses ? Are they gone forever ? Does that mean that course creators had their courses deleted ? If so, that means that all their efforts were in vain (except to the users who were already learning them before the deletion). Can users still create new French courses ? Will they appear in a search result under the category of French language courses ?

And finally, if one takes this idea to an extreme, if Memrise carries this logic of deletion out to other languages (or even non-languages), then what is the purpose or incentive for users to create new courses in their respective language/non-language, if they might ultimately be deleted or hidden from sight ? Am I missing something here ?


Memrise didn’t delete any decks that I know of. The problem is that many user created decks were accidentally half hidden with the update. They are still there - as can be seen in the dashboard - but they are not appearing in the web app through the usual channels of discovery.

No problem. Memrise seems to be in the middle of a big update, and confusion seems to be the norm in such situations.

@JonathanPeele ~ That’s good to know ! I have to confess that I only searched the web version for French courses, and did not check the iOS app version. Had I done that, I never would have sent out my message. Sorry for jumping the gun on this one. I can see all the French courses on the iOS app side. Thanks for your quick and reassuring reply. Have a good day !

I’d hate to think that this is supposed to be some sort of new feature ! If so that is quite a shame…

Of course, they are not deleted, but removed from all listings or even dynamic searches.

I’ve had my courses listed for almost 4 years now. There is still quite a lot of activity, but not as many new learners as in the past. One of my courses did show up in a dynamic search, then disappeared again. (This is on web platform)

@JonathanPeele, out of curiosity, do you have any idea when this new “feature” for French Language Courses was implemented ?

Thank you for this thread, I wouldn’t have known otherwise.


I am sure this is not a feature. Other course searches and categories are functioning normally in the web app and all are completely normal in both the Android app and the iOS app from what I see. I can still find EasyAcademy’s Easy Polyglot French decks using the Android app. I could probably find your decks too if I knew which ones were yours; unfortunately, I can’t see who authored any deck in the Android app.

As I noted in the original post, this bug seems to have first occurred Thursday. I believe that is when the A1 and A2 courses were originally hidden.


Hi everyone,

I discovered yesterday that a search for “French” courses by one of about 4 different ways only returns 15 courses and most of them are by the MemRise team (colour-coded red) and a couple of others.

A similar search for Italian or Spanish yielded pages and pages of courses.

I know there are several other French courses.

I also emailed the team to make them aware.


The MemRise team have replied to say they are aware of the accidental issue, which occurred as a result of restructuring the searching system, and they will be fixing it asap.

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Thanks for keeping everyone informed, DW7!

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Merci beaucoup! Perhaps I should email my bug reports in the future too. :wink:

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I’m glad you posted it !

@JonathanPeele, But how does one “email” bugs… these days ?

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Thanks for following this up DW7 and keeping us informed - good work; and thanks to JonathanPeele for raising it in the first place!

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Thanks for letting us know. You should now see more courses including French 6 in the French category.


Merci! The category, searches, and profiles seem to be displaying everything normally in the web app now.