French 2 & 3: Learn w Locals; no videos

Hi there,

I’ve been doing the courses French 2 & 3 using the Android app - finished the 2nd and got halfway in the 3rd.
Suddenly, I can’t use the features ‘Learn with Locals’ and ‘Listening skills’ anymore as there are ‘no videos’ and that I ‘should learn more words’.
Up to a week ago I could use them without any problem. Now that…
Is that a bug or did they delete the video and audio files?


I have the same issue (learning French 2 currently).

Hi Toby, I tried to log out from the app and it worked like charm, now I have videos and sounds back. Probably, some bug. Maybe it’ll help you too
BR, Elena


Hey sunhelenita,
Great tipp - didn’t even think about that! Worked for me too :slight_smile:
Best, Tobi

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Hi @sunhelenita and @TobiasMxR,

Sorry for arriving late to the party. I am glad that the issue has been fixed for both of you :slight_smile:
Happy learning!
