I get terribly frustrated when courses, like this Intermediate Spanish 1 by BenWhately, have so many words that are spelt the same in English. At times it feels like 50% are exactly the same. Such a waste of my time!
But worse, so far experienced only in this Intermediate Spanish 1 by BenWhately course, is translating forenames! Ana, Horacio, Jaime, Isabel. WTF? If someone was given the name Isabel, I am not going to call her Elizabeth, since her name is Isabel.
I would love to be able to report poor or unhelpful words, but there is no report button in Memrise like there is in Duolingo.
Talking about reporting words, I would also love to be able to report unhelpful “mems”. Some people misunderstand a word and spend ages creating a pretty, artictic, mem that simply misleads learners that do not know better.