First Contact Italian

I get to the part where the guy asks you if you’d like to eat something after you guys have a beer and there is no correct answer. I’ve tried like 50 times to answer every which way and there is no answer. I even shown this to an Italian friend and they just said it doesn’t make sense. Whatever you pic makes you lose the level and start over

Could you add a link to the course? And (preferably) a link to the exact level of said course.

I think @TianaHarris17 is referring to memrise official Italian 1, and the “first contact” between the levels. Am I right?

Yes just the regular Memrise Italian 1

Can you send us a screenshot of the part you’re stuck on?

I gave up on the “contact” things because I could never get them to work in any of the languages that had them when I was still trying to make them work. I just skip them now.