The login button is greyed out until I enable google scripts. Don’t think it was like that for me last year. Login aside, rest of the website works fine with that script blocked.
Probably not many people have this issue, but this is another annoyance that worsens my experience by putting extra steps between me and daily reps and makes me rethink my memrise subscription. Web version was a way to avoid that google nonsense for me, and now it seems like that’s gone.
I don’t see this changing in the future, especially if it’s related to a rework on how ads work or whatever, but just wanted to share my feelings on it.
I know it was my choice to use a website-breaking extension. It’s just that this change is recent and I pay for Memrise, so it’s extra annoying.
It was likely because we had to enable Captcha due to the incredible amount of bot attacks we are subject to.
You can whitelist a site by clicking the no script icon and setting memrise to safe.
Captcha doesn’t show for all users else it would be unbearable. Google targets who sees it based on likelihood to be a bot. For instance if you’re on a browser where you’re logged in to a long standing google account and have had activity on many websites for many months then you’re not going to look like a bot to them.
Wow. That… works.
Thanks a lot. And uh thanks for the explanation. Understandable. Bots are a menace.
Memrise is whitelisted of course, google isn’t. Refreshing solves it and allows me to run without having to enable google scripts. That’s fine now.