Film scripts

does one know how to find the dialogues from The Chef The Actor The Scoundrel flick? my Chinese fav of all times (until now :grin:)

I don’t know that one. But then I don’t know many. Got stuck on the Zhang YiMou movies. My faves is by Ang Lee though : Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.

Picture and landscapes are amazing. To the glory of China you could say. Very nationalistic Chinese cinema but it’s worth it.

This said, I cant help you for the script. :innocent:

check it out, the 厨子‧戏子‧痞子, it is a sort of a dark comedy, fighting the cholera in Peking during the “Great Asian War”, everything is stilised to the max. Except for Huang Bo - (in his usual role), you would not recognize the other three actors. I loved Zhang Han Yu in this one, he’s really a great one. At the end of the trailers was always “they’re saving China… somehow”.

(note: name me a Hollywood block buster that is not utterly nationalistic - although I cannot really follow one there, the only Hollywood film I’ve enjoyed in the last years was a silly action flick - I’m not sure if it is not also sort of a comedy …and I saw only… hmmmmm… 4? Hollywood flicks in the last 3 years? lol)

Do you have the script from Hidden Dragon, by accident? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I don’t suppose the English version is any help? I expect you are looking for the Chinese version.

yes, Alan, you’re right, the Chinese version(s). I saw the Chef, Actor, Scoundrel several times, so I figured out, maybe cramming Chinese could go maybe easier if I follow the script

Yes, Thought so. :disappointed:

There is quite a lot of information, including a plot summary, here: but, sadly, no Chinese script.

There is a copy of the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon script in English here . It wouldn’t take you long to translate it! :laughing: [Edit - But now found this:]

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it ok, Alan, so many thanks, @pdao in his generosity offered his help. If he/ his lady finds some scripts, I’ll ask if the links can be shown to “the public” in here - who knows, maybe some people can make courses out of them… many thanks!

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The word you’re looking for is subtitles —— 字幕 most can be found here, including this one:

I am almost ready to make a (private) course for a series I like, an invaluable help for that is you can segment the text, filter on the most frequent words, and then arrange by first occurrence. And the first sentence the word occurs in is also added. I personally have an Excel file that adds the rest of the sentences, and in a little while also some other stuff. Then it’s just watching the show and deciding which words you want to study.

I’m not looking for the subtitles, I have that film with both Chinese and English subtitles, I am looking for the script - or, of course, its version for the public.

Thanks for the zimuku link… I have no idea what films are those - they seem US ones, or TV series? (I don’t ever watch TV). Anyhow, they don’t seem to have the old Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, only this poorly made 2016 sequel

I don’t know what you are seeing. The link I gave has the traditional and simplified .srt files for the 2013 film.

Here are the subtitles for the 2000 film 卧虎藏龙

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great! thanks

@sircemloud: if you want to see a fully fledged “glory to the People’s Liberation Army” + action flick, with all the drums and trumpets of (red army’s) heroism and the sun coming out behind the mountain etc, watch “The Taking of the Tiger Mountain”. I saw it because of Zhang Hanyu - although his performance in this one cannot be outstanding/remarcable/etc. The script does not allow it.

This film is neither nationalistic in the classical sense, nor communist; the bad bad bad bandits in the mountains are very “Chinese” as well and “for the future of China!” comes out only as “I hope his generation will not see war”. However, the general tone of the film is unmistakable - it seem to me the general trend lately, in “patriotic” Chinese cinema. Quite smart, these Chinese film makers and the party censors :sunglasses:.

As “they” tend to make rather dark, heavy films lately - all good cops killed by the gangsters, or the petty gangster Mr Six is the only one around with some sense of justice etc. - such “heroic” films with almost all “the good guys” surviving is a sort of a change :grin:. I looong for a good, classical wuxia à la Hero… :wink: One thing strikes me when watching such things… what do we really know about the recent history of China, after all, beyond the horrors of Mao?