I’m just back from being out of the country for 32 days - with no opportunity to use Memrise while I was away. While I had a terrific holiday, I was a bit sad to say goodbye to my learning streak of 1+ years. Not to worry, I’m back into it now. I have just discovered this new forum and trying to feel my way around in it. I live in Melbourne, Australia and my user name is MaxineDownunder.
Edit: My only edit is a slight name change which I made a little while back - just in case anyone’s looking for me!
Me too - I just went looking for the old Forum with loads of good (IMHO) suggestions and contributions I had made, but they all seem wiped - deleted!
What happened to all those suggestions - some promoted by the MemRise team asking for our comments and others they had marked up as “under review” or “in progress”.
I hope that the Forum Moderators will do some ‘housekeeping’ as time goes on. Until then, we can always delete our own old posts by clicking on the “show more” (3 grey dots) to reveal the delete icon.
Assuming it is worth re-creating suggestions under the appropriate grouping, will they be read by the MemRise team who will then give us their comments on it, or is it just a Forum to post ideas and ask questions?
As a course Creator, Contributor and “Curator” or “Custodian” (my suggested term for abandoned courses), I posted a lot of suggestions and it would be nice if these ideas could be preserved.
I agree with you DW7. Where’s all the “old stuff”? I see I’m going to have to spend considerable time hunting around in the new forum to find postings of ‘regulars’ which I always enjoyed reading and sometimes adding my 5 cents worth too!
This thread that I started, has some interesting comments, including an encouraging statement from OliviaZavala a MemRise staff member that they still have access to our suggestions and will be looking at them.
Maybe I’m missing something - how do I load a load “which represents me” so that it’s an improvement on the letter “M”. I would have thought the Forum would have used my profile pic on Memrise. Thanks!
maxine: copy paste your memrise avatar (at least, this is how i’ve done it. The “H” memrise “planted” for me was looking like the sign for bus stops in Germany…
Hey @DW7, I just posted in the Course Creators Corner asking about abandoned courses. What generally happens and how are they deemed to be actually abandoned?
where the creator is named as “deleted” with a list of numbers or
where they never reply to posts in their Course Forums (as you have found).
If I find an apparent abandoned course I wish to look after, I first post in the Course Forum and wait an appropriate amount of time (none if no replies for a year).
I then email the team [email protected] and ask for them to contact the creator (if possible) to see if they would be happy to have me as a Contributor. They then action appropriately - ie if no reply they make me a Contributor. Sometimes the Creator then replies to the post and says he’s happy and has made me a contributor.
Finally I add to the course description that I am supporting the course.
Hey @DW7, would you mind emailing me re thrust of yr ‘continuous streak’ issues that you’ve emailed Memrise about so I know I’m on the same page.? Email ddress is now on my profile. Also I’m still having issues with changing my “M” in the forum. Can I blame this on jet-lag (still)? lol