[Feedback] Reinstate Auto Detect

Auto detect has gone for block word selection exercises in ios.

I understand why some people don’t like it - but for my courses it is important to making sure i don’t waste time relearning stuff i already know.

And ios doesn’t even have the option to turn auto detect on or off under learning settings - which the help documentation appears to assume is there.

This needs to come back.

Hi Matt,

this is the first time I hear about “Auto detect” as I do not have an IOS device and I just used the Android mobile app (older version) on an Android emulator to sporadically learn NEW words but not to do any reviews.

I am an IT guy and Java (JEE) backend developer, but I have no clue what this is.

Do you have any screenshot or any link to an old Help/FAQ tutorial what this function did?

I had heard that you can actually force “full typing” on the IOS app and that there is a toggle switch.

I don’t like the Android app for reviews because it:
a) uses multiple choice
b) gives hint letter buttons when you have to type and
c) does not provide any toggle button for a “full typing keyboard”.

I just know what “Auto accept” does on the web portal:
It highlights the correct word / phrase / sentence in green and auto-jumps to the next question when you got the first answer right.

Do you mean this by “Auto detect”?
What did it do for tapping tests with word banks (jumble words) and is it specific to learning vs reviewing and not available on Android/website??

I would love to learn more about an old IOS exclusive feature.

Best regards

Hi Thomas

I’m sure it is the same as auto-accept. It marks the answer as correct and moves on, without you needing to hit “check”. This still exists on typing tests but not on the word blocks. The problem is that, with Hungarian where there is a much more free word order than other languages, so there are a very large number of correct word orders. You therefore end up not just having to learn the right answer but the particular construction the course creators happened upon. Auto detect/auto-accept was a great way to balance all this out.


I don’t like it even that this has changed. I hope the developers can make it as a choice for the users. When not, I will stop learning with this app. It was very good, but after this change I’m beginning to hate it.