Hi Memrise,
I’m really enjoying the service you provide. However, i have a suggestion for improvement, notably your listening challenges in a non latin-based language.
I have noticed, many listening challenges give you a word or sound in the foreign language, then ask you to select the correct sound/word. An example for Japanase, would be, the challenge sounds O. Then you have to write it out in the latin alphabet. So you should select o. This is really a wasted opportunity, because it enforces a lot of simple repetition, with no benefit.
My suggestion would be, speak the word and then let us select the correct character(s) from the language we are trying to learn. If i have to write the sound in ‘romaiji’, it’s not that hard. Once in a while, it’s fine. But sometimes half of the questions, are fairly obvious and i am not learning.
In the next example, the character sounded out was ji.
It would’ve been better for me, to select the character, instead of the sound written in romaji.
Thank you, hope it can improve your great service!