FEEDBACK: new design

Using Memrise on Android. As I posted in the forum already, new design is not working; hope, it’s possible to bring back the old one!

As a psychologist, I can say, that this combination of colors just not the right choice for learning app - it may just stop people from using it.


Kann dies nur teilen. Das neue Design ist mir zu abstrakt u. verwirrend. Macht viel weniger Lust aufs Lernen… SCHADE!!!


Ups… Korrektur meines ersten Satzes: Kann dies nur teilen." …sollte es lauten.

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I so agree with you !
I Just updated the app and It is aweful.
I dont understand how they did not notice that this combination of colours is horrible !? Is their graphic designer crazy ???

We Lost the charm, round and calm of purple and blue and the Nice spaceship to ugly yellow and bright White and cold design.

This is so not confortable ! It makes me wanna quit. I loved the old design. Please give It back !

Btw I cancelled my subscription this morning.


I have been a member for over a year & this is the first time I’ve felt I need to comment. Grey on darker grey contrast is too low. The size of the tags (eg. how many words to practice) have shrunk to where makes it more difficult to use. In short the new schema (which I personally do not like but that is just one opinion) has made the site harder to use.


I have a full hd display on my phone (android). But window

has a scroll down. It is very uncomfortable!


As an adult, I find the new design lacks imagination. Everything was just grossly simplified with the new design. This looks like an entry level graphics design project before the first review. The storyline of the space ship was removed and replaced with no story, then hand drawn circles and solid colors were added. The coloring is boring. The coloring looks like mid-90s urban outfitters. I don’t understand the change. Changing for the sake of change? This design is in desperate need of a critical review. I love the content so I will continue using it but the packaging has gone from good to just ugly.

I use most the apps. Duolingo has worked really hard to make their owl engaging. Rosetta Stone is corporate. Mondly needs a redesign. Drops is fresh with the icons and gradient background. Memorise had the most differentiated design. It had the most fun and engaging packaging. I hope you return to the past design or progress but please don’t erase.

Memorise has an opportunity for a storyline. Moving from space to another dimension or colonization or a new galaxy fits within the context. Erasing all design and using color fill seems like an act of frustration not of design.


Give us the old thème back !!


I don’t agree that a space theme is necessarily childish. Space is cool, to boldly go where no one have gone before. It all depends what you make of it.

But now the app really look childish. Don’t like the combination of colors. Bright green and bright blue when selecting exercise, everything looks the same almost, and then a yellow keyboard when writing words? I’m no designer but when looking at this it just feels wrong for me.

It seems that the Memrise team really have a hard time to take care of the brand. First this Decks fiasco when they refused to make a app with support for offline mode, and now this?

I can only hope that people get as engaged again and that this is also changed to something good. I don’t have problem with changes, but changes should make things better. Of course you can’t please everyone, but I will be surprised if this change is loved by the users.


Where is the old thème ! Give It back to us !


Great work on this new look! I must say that I liked the Space design as well, and did not think it was childish, but am very pleased with the new look too. Here is what I like:

The new colors. Nice shade of yellow and nice shade of grey.

The shape of the icons during the learning sessions, especially the audio session buttons.

The new look of the flowers.

The sleek and simple- but not overly simple- design is pretty, but does not distract from the material that I am learning.

The new app icon looks pretty cool.

Overall very pleased with the new look, new colors and the new style. Keep up the good work!

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Everyone has their own feelings about the new design. I relatively fine with it except for one thing. In the new design, we are being bombarded with the color gold, which is a little overwhelming since everything is appearing in this color.

One suggestion that I have is this. Keep the gold for general purposes, but for example, when we see “goal complete” for the day, couldn’t this color be changed to, for example, green (which would signify “go” in many ways).


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…genau das, was Du beschreibst “die neue Grafik erschwert die Anwendung (durch Überlagerungen)”, nimmt mir immer die Lust auf memrise. Trage mich auch mit Kündigung. :frowning:

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I have paid for Memrise not to use their own course but to be able to create my bespoke courses.
I feel like wasting of time with this new changes and all the bugs.
By the way, even my husband who is not using Memrise giving me a feedback that he (and me) refer the old design of Memrise.

Holzer / Austria

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I also prefer the old design compared to the newest version. If reverting back to the old one isn’t an option, I would at least prefer a “dark mode” setting. Many apps have this in some form, and being comfortable while learning should be important.


This dull blue, and the small white letters in it, looks like the icon is disabled. leaderboard