[Feedback] Bug? Same three chatbots appearing over and over again

I may not be the first one, but Every time I learn with memrise not via the app but via my browser those chatbots appear again and again. Sometimes the same chatbot appears several times in one session. The first time this was a fun extra. Now it’s really annoying having to click this away again and again (while in the iOs app, where I first wanted to use them, they are “hard” to find…)
Could someone fix that?
course: Spanish (for germans)
Browser: Safari 11.1
System: 10.13.4
cookies: not allowed

same here with French. Stuck @ Intro. Really tired to hear about Zoe…

Wait there’s meant to be more than three? I always thought it was just those three because the German courses have the same issues. :frowning:

I actually have the problem on the app. Everytime I finish a Japanese module, it only offers me chatbot or grammar bot and I’ve completed them all… It would be great if it could be fixed in another update