Please let me use my keyboard swift enter and most useful - GOOGLE MICROPHONE voice recognition - at least till the moment you will understand how critically important to let ppl who learning the new language skills to SPEAK out the right unswers - how great those practise is and increasing the speed, speaking and recolling abilities and person really START SPEAK instead silly slowly old school method enter the unswers clicking the keyboard or worser SCREEN board… No for sure you can save those old school methods but ADD us a modern and more effective way to learn !!! easiest way is let me use my already existed on device keyboard with swift enter and google microphone. Thanks my device is android. PLEASE be greatful for an amaizin idea and start with THE Norvegian course please. Thank you! =)


There were threads about the voice input on the Duolingo forums.

Personally I can not test, as I am fixed to KOPlayer / Android emulator software.

I heard on the DL discussion forums that Gboard needs to be installed and should support something like this.

Normally in the threads (IOS) people refer to this technique…

What is the problem about the Memrise Android app? That you are not allowed to switch the keyboard? Can you switch to Gboard within the app?

WHY are you RANDOMLY capitalizing WORDS?

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Sorry, I don’t understand.

Oh, right. I was just taking the mick out of how much this guy likes to type in caps lock for some reason.

cause it had an accent on it. to emphasise it.

u have to be reported for harassment with your monsters. keep them locked.

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