[Feature Requests] for App, based on the Web features

Hi @MemriseSupport,

Some time ago I created > this thread < as at the time I could only use the Web version (which I used to create or support courses).

Now that I have been using the App extensively (and keeping abreast of updates and comments that follow) I wanted to list some things I miss in the App, which might be considered as options.

  1. For typing tests, getting it wrong, the web shows the wrong typing (with colour and strike-through to correct it).
    This is very helpful to spot where one has gone wrong, but is not available on the App.

  2. Typing on the App is very much easier with all the right characters presented and a few extra thrown in.
    I do like this and it does make it much easier and quicker to answer, but I don’t feel I really learn it.
    On the Web one has to use the keyboard and therefore again it really tests you.
    Perhaps there could be the option to use the on-screen keyboard on the App - or even for that to be the default once the word has been fully learned (planted and bloomed) and one is revising (watering).

Please add other constructive ideas here, as indeed I will.


Regarding point 1 - I have now noticed that the App shown me my incorrect spelling in red. Great - if that’s new, thanks @MemriseSupport.

Incidentally I have noticed that your Official Italian Courses don’t seem to use strict typing.
On the App, I have on purpose used an accented “e” instead of a plain “e” on purpose [and vice versa] (to test this) and I was marked correct. (This is probably true of other characters.)

Are you not seeing the keyboard icon at the top of the screen each time you are presented with a typing test? I see it on both Android and iOS.

[Edit: See #18 on Olaf’s Android Bugs thread]


Thanks Alan - no.

(Click image to see full image including the top)

But having started typing I do.

But the choice still rather gives the game away.

Having started to type using the characters in green boxes I’ve never looked at the top until now.

So my suggestion of giving the option of suppressing the right characters still stands.

That’s interesting. There seems to be a difference between “Classic Review” and “Listening Skills” reviews. For typing tests in “Classic Review”, I’m always shown the keyboard icon straight away, without having to start tapping the letter tiles.

Your example looks like it’s taken from a “Listening Skills” review. When I do those, I get very few typing tests (they’re mostly tapping tests or ‘select the right option’). Where I do get presented with a typing test in Listening Skills, the keyboard icon is displayed straight away without needing to first tap any of the letter tiles:

When checking just now, I only saw one exception. The keyboard icon was not visible and didn’t even appear when I started tapping the tiles at the bottom, in the way it did in your example.

If they ever get around to fixing Olaf’s bug #18, it should improve things.


Perhaps I should add that this is during a learning session. (Presumably why mine is green and yours is blue.)

And perhaps at that stage it is best to be given the right characters.

Perhaps they offer the keyboard more freely when watering (reviewing), something I am not doing very often, so I don’t know.

A post was split to a new topic: [Course Request] Request for Additional Languages

This time the keyboard did NOT appear.

I never use the keyboard icon. Instead, I just tap somewhere in the text I already entered (or do I press the backspace button? Not sure!) which makes the device’s keyboard appear. Can you guys check that?

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I have just seen that the web now does show the characters of words (which it didn’t before).

The only way to suppress that (on the web only) is to over-rule it with special accented characters and then only those show on the web.

It would be great also to have the app tell you what the wrong answer is before showing the correct one.