I have 2 ideas for possible upcoming features.
- To have a daily leaderboard
- To be able to see what your friends are doing
Would like if I got a response soon! @MemriseMatty @Joshua
I have 2 ideas for possible upcoming features.
I imagine that would require all Memrise friendships to be reciprocal… It’s one thing for someone who follows you to see generally how many points you are getting in a week, but another thing for them to see your actual stats for pace of learning or which modules you have/are completing. Right now, anyone random can follow you without your input, so might the reason people can’t see your specific activity be one of privacy? I mean, I don’t generally think it’s a big issue, or anything, but I can see why people might not want a recent-activity stream for non-reciprocal followers — I certainly don’t want anyone to know just how bad I am at Slovenian! (Which is very bad :3 )