[Feature Request] View all Difficult Words

Please provide an option to see all the difficult words together. E.g. My Vocabulary > Difficult words

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This feature is already present, albeit only on the web:

It’s actually hidden quite well. You can access the list by going to the dashboard, then clicking the “more” link underneath the stats, then click the “Difficult words” link new the top right.

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Thanks Olaf, that’s very helpful to know and a handy function.

It did take a while to load and lists them by course.

I presume one has to choose a course to revise the difficult words.

You can expand a course right there and click on “Review”.

@MemriseSupport and @ale_c: it would be great if you could enhance that section to show a filter (i. e. only show DW for a given language) and do a session across all words.
It would also be a good idea to choose a more prominent position - my experience over the past few years indicates that next to no one knows about this really great feature!

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