Feature Request: Variable Timer

To accommodate the challenge of working with the Russian language KB I wonder if it would be possible to add a way to extend the response timer or disable it? I am finding it nearly impossible to respond to anything but single letter answers in the time allotted. This was never a challenge when learning Irish, and may be unique to the unfamiliar alphabet used with Russian.

Timothy O’Connor


People have been asking for this for years. Memrise doesn’t listen to us, for the most part. There are scripts to disable the timer, which you can find on the forum.

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It never came up with Gaeilge but it seems a significant challenge for those who want to learn Russian. I will look for the scripts.

This is an interesting idea, though I’m not sure if turning off the timer is so good. I expect that you’re clicking on the letters provided by Memrise, instead of setting your keyboard to the Russian mode. (See here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/17424/windows-change-keyboard-layout)
While I’m at it, I think I would add stickers to my keyboard noting where the Cyrillic letters are in the Russian mode. Of course, my problem isn’t as bad, since I’m using a keyboard set to Castilian Spanish mode.

Good idea or not it is likely a deal breaker here. Cyrillic is a wholly new alphabet to me which I am not given a chance to learn before the timer is held over my efforts. Perhaps I will go somewhere else to learn Cyrillic and come back here once I have been given a fair chance.

Yeah, you could try Duolingo, since I know they’re free, and TheFour-GatedDanzig says you won’t get what you want.

I mean, we do have a script to disable the timer, @Bjelleybean. I’ll link it if you want

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I would just like to have the option while I am getting up to speed. There are some fairly long words in the first 8 sessions and it has been very frustrating. Eventually I hope to achieve some fluency and learn to work with the Cyrillic keyboard.

Memrise helped me to get a good deal farther with Irish than I was able to with Duolingo so I thought I’d start Russian here. Perhaps being able to take some of the pressure off will help me to gain some ground.

“The truth will set you free, but not until it is finished with you” - David Foster Wallace

Here you are.

I have it running right now, and the timer still shows up, but it won’t count down unless you leave it open for 8+ minutes or something.