[Feature request] I'll happily pay a premium for letting me add words to my courses on the go

I type a word or phrase in English, and memrise finds the translation (Czech in my case), pronunciation and adds it to the course I created.

I’d pay happily twice the premium price today for this feature

There’s a site called Readlang.com that basically does that already and it’s free.

I prefer memrise because I prefer native audio to any form of generated audio. But if you don’t mind, you can check out that site.

you mean, memrise should make “your own” course for you (in fact)? and that you’d give money to memrise, from pulling definitions and audios from courses made by people who freely uploaded their own work???
btw, if your course would have been beginner level, memrise even did that until some months ago. The feature is not supported anymore… I heard my own audios in many a course around here, but no mention of the source of thr audios in course descriptions; the creator could not know who exactly spent days and weeks to upload items and the audio to those items, usually…

They do have a new feature called Explore! on mobile.

You take a picture and it does image recognition on it, for your selected language. Your picture and the L1 and L2 definitions are associated with it. I assume it is building a course for you, but the video didn’t really show you that bit.

No idea if is just a test or if it is a permanent new addition.

Edit: Just watched the video again - looks like they have a few kinks to iron out, and it is iOS 11 only.