Feature request: Hourly schedule breakdown for SRS system


I feel it would be really helpful to be able to see what and when you’re supposed to be doing you’re next reviews. I’ve seen this in other srs systems and it’s really helpful to know when a user should expect their reviews broken down by hour each day. It would also help to not just continuously abuse the next up button and over saturate on new material.


That does look quite interesting. @MemriseSupport, @JBorrego, @lurkmoophy: take a look!


This is a neat power user concept, and I’ve passed it on to the design/product team :slight_smile:


Thanks guys! Hope something helpful comes of it! :raised_hands:

I like this suggestion.

Has Memrise been responding to anything on these forums in the past couple of weeks?

Yes, lurkmoophy is a Memrise employee, so see the 3rd posting!