[Feature Request] Hide courses in main menu

Here’s a simple feature that any qualified iOS programmer could implement in a day. Instead of showing each and every course in the main menu, getting really long for me now, provide an option to hide courses that has no reviews and then you need another UI to show all courses that you want to add new words into. I think that would take a day to implement. Thx.

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or, as memrise used to have, allow the user to ‘pin’ the courses they are working on, and have the rest in a secondary list so it doesn’t clutter up (and slow down!) the main screen.
sadly this feature was removed as part of some ‘improvements’ in the past…

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Another option is to make groups/folders with the individual courses assigned to these groups/categories. Many apps have this as a good way to organize entries.

this exists, you can create groups of the courses you’re learning (menu on top, rightmost option). the only snag is that if you go into a group, enter a course (ie for learning, revision etc) and come out again then you’re not in the group anymore, but back in the endless, slow-loading main page…

Is this also working in iOS apps? I think they need to revisit the whole organizing of courses UI inside out.

ah, I don’t think so. I’ve never seen anything like it in the app (I use Android myself) - the web interface still has a number of helpful features (even better if they would work properly) over the mobile version