[Feature request] Filters on course search

On the course search page, it would be most invaluable to have the ability to filter courses that do or don’t have audio. I find that I struggle retaining words if I can’t hear them, so the courses that lack audio don’t interest me as much. Not always all words have audio, so it could for example be expressed in a percentage.

Also, the ability to sort courses by amount of words would be fantastic. I would much rather enroll in 1 giant course that covers a lot of ground than scour for many mini ones.

As it stands, only popular courses gain more popularity, because it is those that appear on top on the search results. Newly made courses that may be more awesome are very hard, nearing impossible, to find.


Oh man, I super second this request; I was trying to find a course to study vocab from a particular textbook, and I had to dredge through the results to find the courses that included the whole book, scouring through a whole list because one user had created separate courses for each chapter. All forty of them :expressionless:


There is a Tampermonkey userscript TTS workaround solution for this on the web portal:

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That might be a nice work-around for some situations (if I were to follow courses on web instead of on mobile for example), but either way synthetic TTS does not beat audio recorded by natives.

Edit: I’ve tried the audio provider plugin. It uses external TTS providers which do not support the language I am learning. The way it works is pretty neat, and I am sure it’s a wonderful solution for the more popular languages, but sadly for me it is useless.

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