[Feature Request] Error reporting

Hello all,

This is my first post so bare with me if this has already been requested. As a long time user of Memrise it’s hard to beat for building a diverse active vocabulary with good pronunciation with the Memrise made courses. I’ve got one major gripe though, particularly with community made courses. I raised this some time back but perhaps I didn’t do it through the best channels: Error reporting.

We’ve all been happily learning new memes then up pops something you know for definite is wrong, either a typo, or an odd translation etc. The current system, as far as I can tell, requires taking note of it and going the course forum to report the error. I don’t know about you but I’ve done this a few times but not regularly as I would like. If it were right there on the website (perhaps on the left hand side under mute) or in the app while you’re learning the meme I’d be reporting errors far more frequently that would hopefully get better consistency and quality in all the courses.

If it’s not there, I’d love to see it (or made clearer for folks like me). If it is there, am I missing something?



When I first joined memrise, four years ago now, exactly the function you describe existed!

There was a button which said either “report” or “forum”, I forget which, and you just clicked on that and it took you directly to the forum for that course and you could report the problem straight away without having to go through the hoops you do with these new forums. It was really cool :smiley:

Nonetheless, I do like the new forums for the private message function and to be able to see what is going on with different courses and languages. And to pop into a thread and make a suggestion is also nice. That wasn’t possible with the old system.

I take it you are referring to people’s MEMS (‘memes’ are something else) that you see when you are doing a community-created course? Now that is a whole nuther problem!!!

If someone has uploaded a mem that contains errors, there is nothing anyone can do about it. At one point, course contributors and course creators DID have the option to remove mems and I happily used this function to remove misleading mems and multiple repeat mems. At one point, there was a bug in the system and you could also edit other people’s mems, which I used to get rid of typing errors :slight_smile: But it wasn’t supposed to be a feature, so, at some point, that disappeared, too.

I would LOVE to be able to edit and remove mems on the courses I am curating and it would be good if there were some kind of badge you could earn (which are allocated on this forum, so the concept is used already) as a trustworthy course contributor or course creator, whereby you would earn the privilege to access the mems on your courses in order to edit or remove them. I would really really appreciate that. There is the “flag this mem” option, but I have no idea if this has any effect.