Farewell to the 'Old Format' Web Version

So, as one of many regular users of the web version, I’m in the middle of what seems likely to be my last daily review session of what is soon to become the defunct ‘Old Format’. I have dipped in and out of the ‘New Format’ in recent weeks but have always returned to the familiar comfort of what I am used to. I guess, like everyone else, I’ll now have to just ‘bite the bullet’ and adapt my learning style to the new version. I’m sure it will fine. On that point, I would like to say a big “thank you” to @cooljingle, whose userscripts - especially the “All Typing” one - have done so much to enhance my learning experience by giving me the flexibility to review different courses in ways that suit me best. I’ll miss that flexibility in the new version but maybe we’ll get it back at some future point.

Keep at it people! Oh, and Happy New Year to you all.


Hmm. Five days later and the “original” resp. old Memrise is still there. The same goes for Mems, I can still see them on Android.

I suppose the whole team is on vacation. Let’s hope that we’re lucky and the vacation goes on (a whole) little longer … :wink:


Looks like our favourite web Classic review has gone.


And with it the ability to quickly revise words by pressing enter after confirmation, which makes revision much more time-consuming. I sincerely hope they bring this feature back.


This feature has not gone away, it works perfectly for me and on our test suite. Could you please tell us which browser and course this occurs with and any other pertinent information such as if you use a non-standard keyboard such as a virtual one


Apologies @James_g_memrise, as noted in the other thread it appears to only be an issue on Firefox.

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Confirmed, just tested it with Firefox (where the enter key is noneffective) and with Chrome (where it works). It would sure be good if this would work in Firefox as well …
And it would be even better if the “typing only” option was available on Android (and iOS) as well. :slight_smile:


I will raise a bug report for the firefox enter key issue, but Firefox represents 2.61% of our users so it won’t go straight to the top of the pile.
I have asked our mobile developers to check the effort of adding it to mobile, but I will make no promises of it getting done soon.

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I have stuck with Memrise from almost the very beginning, but I will not be able to use this web site without a way to turn off audio. Can someone please help with this? Also, I miss the timer, which made it more fun and challenging. And the leaderboard no longer shows the top 10, just from 10 and downwards. Why? Anyway, I can live with the other changes, but please do not force audio on those of us who don’t want it. Where is the turn-off option?

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To turn off audio in any browser right click on a tab and Mute the site

I think you should be able to reactivate the timer in Settings > Learning > Lesson Timer > On

In the old version I could see how many words are reviewed after I have started the review session. This information is now gone.

Also: when the review session has finished, afterwards I have see how many words I got correct, and how often I have seen each word, and how often I have meanwhile got it correct. It’s an information liked to have, but with the new version I do not see this information anymore. For me this information was a little feature which I was looking forward.


Thank you. That is helpful but I have to stop and do it with every single round. Can you please offer an “audio on/off” feature for the whole site? And I do see that I can see the top 10 on the leaderboard but it requires opening another tab. One more thing I would change back to the old format is being able to see how many points are “scored” with each individual correct answer, because it shows the progress being made (or lost :slight_smile: in learning the word. For example, if I spell a word correctly and score 150 points, then I know I’m doing well with that word because the memory is holding up over time. If I get it right and score 65 points, that means I recently learned or am re-learning the word and that it may take more work.


I checked and I do have the timer set on “on.” So the option is apparently still there but doesn’t seem to be working. Maybe it’s just because nobody cares about us cranky old Firefox users. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :smiley:


I have just checked, and you are right, it’s not working even though the option is there. I also tested on Chrome and Opera GX, it’s not working in them either. Maybe that’s a bug of some sort, so I think we should warn @MemriseSupport


Just had to quit my first course due to the new format: a course for learning German plurals that is now useless because there is no way for anyone to tell themselves what the word itself actually means. Huge bummer. :woman_shrugging:


Yes, and I just noticed that there is nothing to show percentage answered correctly. I miss that little “ah-hah” when you get 100 percent.


Ah, there are obviously stability problems (as I write), but I got one review session in before it crashed. Glad to see the typing enabled, and thank for listening on that point.
When reviewing now, if I get the phrase incorrect, it does not highlight the mistake. Some of my phrases are quite long (which is as I understand it, a good way to learn snippets of language), so it can be hard to find the one spelling mistake I made. Can I ask if that is an enhancement that is somewhere on the horizon? Also, I do not get the chance to immediately re-type it before moving on, which would be preferable.


Also auto check doesnt work anymore. I study Japanse and there are a lot of similar words. Whenever I typed the correct answer it would continue without hitting enter. Now I just have to hope I submit the correct answer among its many synonyms.

That’s cool, but having that button back would still be highly appreciated.