Eur. Portuguese app stuck in Speed Review

Pressing the “Continue Learning” button, I’ve been through five rounds of Speed Review in Portuguese 6 without moving on to any other mode. Do I just go down and manually select one of the other modes instead of pressing Continue Learning? I’m not sure how the CL button should be used, in that case.

Assuming you are on Android then at present the ‘Continue Learning’ button is currently the same as the big yellow button on the Learn tab which you’re probably more familiar with. So it doesn’t trigger a ‘Words and Phrases’ session where you will Learn words, especially if you have a lot of words to review.
if you want to choose another review mode you can select it from the row of review icons on the homescreen, or to select a review mode or a ‘Words and Phrases’ session go to the learn tab and enter the mode selector (the grid of dots)
We will soon be making some changes to this, it’s not as clear as we’d like.


I’m on iOS, actually, but glad to hear you’re working on improvements. Eventually, I just went down and chose “Learn with Locals.”