Espagnol avancé pour francophones

I can’t find a way to contact the course curator, so will post here,

Level 1:

  • “a que pase” est donné pour “jusqu’à ce que la canicule passe” (il manque canicule?)
  • “estar tumbado” est donné pour “s’allonger”, il me semble que s’allonger = tumbarse et “estar tumbado” est plutôt “être allongé”
  • “la plaza, el puesto” / “el puesto, plaza” apparaît deux fois

a link to this cours would be nice

who is the author of the mentioned course?

This is the course (it’s in french) - from what I’ve come to understand no message can be sent to the author of a course if they’ve never visited the forum, as seems to be the case here.

But you can ask a staff to send them an email. Staff members have shield behind their usename.
Posting a link to particular course also helps to find contributors, who also can fix errors

Okay, I’ll do that if I gather up a substantial amount of reports, thanks.