Errors in Japanese 2, lesson 6 and Japanese 1, various lessons

I noticed that there was another topic about this that was closed. I don’t have the time to go through and figure out what happened there, but I wanted to add my voice to the others who have pointed out that there are some notable mistranslations and errors in Lesson 5, in particular, but also elsewhere. In lesson 6 of Japanese 2, it keeps translating 英語 as おらんどご or something like that(is that even a word? I’ve never heard of it!), in hiragana, when the correct translation should be えいご. Other errors include translating “I am from Japan” and “Are you from Japan?” with Japan swapped with England or English person(イギリス or イギリス人) for some reason. I will update more later, when I have time, but it would be great if these could be fixed.

10 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Course Forum] Japanese 1-7 by Memrise