Errors in AQA GCSE French Vocabulary

In AQA GCSE French Vocabulary Level 4, there is an error in the exercise “ne…personne” when selecting the items in sequence. There must be some common error regarding how the “…” is entered. Same error with : ne…rien, ne…ni, ne…que, ne…plus when selecting word elements in sequence.

There is also an error in “C’est-á-dire” (incorrect) which should be “C’est-à-dire”.

One of the audio files is wrong for the exercise: au bout de. The audio says “au bord de la mer”.

There is an error in the exercise for "d’un côté/de l’autre côté. When the words must be selected in order, it is always counted wrong.

On Level 12, is the term de cheque côté (on every side). It should be “de chaque côté”.

On Level 32, there is the following error: le téléspactateur = TV. It should be "le téléspectateur = television/TV viewer

On Level 36 (and some other levels as well), there are abbreviations which should at least include the explanation of the abbreviation: e.g., R.E. Religious Instruction. La salle d’informatique = ICT suite (??? What is ICT ???) Please consider adding the full expression with the abbreviation, not the abbreviation alone. Same with TGV, etc.

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How can I contact frenchaqavocab, the creator of this course, to notify him/her about these errors?

If he were registered in this forum, you could try mentioning him in your post, like this: @frenchaqavocab so that he will be notified that someone has mentioned him.

But in this case, I don’t think he is registered here, because I can’t find a user profile page for him, so that method won’t work.

Your other option is to email [email protected] with a link to the course in question, and ask them to email the course creator for you, to try to get his attention. If he is no longer active on memrise, and doesn’t respond to their email, you can ask to be made a contributor to that course.

There are already numerous threads here asking the same question, such as this one:

Your question will probably be merged into that thread by one of the moderators very shortly.


We have a bit of a breakthrough and some of the errors are being fixed. If anyone knows of actual errors (not preferences) in this course, please post them here.

Is there a way to distinguish between answers with the same meaning? Possibly by putting first letter hints in the English. For example:

Lvl 9 - ennuyeux and barbant (boring)
Lvl 13 - brun and marron (brown)
Lvl 16 - degré and Lvl 35 - la licence (degree)
Lvl 18 - avoir tort and se tromper (to be wrong)
Lvl 26 - les déchets and Lvl 34 - les détritus and les ordures (rubbish)
Lvl 27 - les affaires and Lvl 28/36 - L’entreprise (business)

I understand if nothing can be done about this, it is just mildly irritating having to guess which one it is asking for, especially when all options come up in multiple choice!

Also in level 28, le travail is written as one word (letravail), and in level 33 le concierge is translated as cartaker instead of caretaker :slight_smile:

Just one more error - lvl 21 sans is translated as eithout (typo of without).

Lvl 27 errors:

  • ecouter (to listen) should be écouter
  • en premiere (year 12) should be en première
  • la recreation (break) should be la récréation
  • le règle (ruler) should be la règle

(Sorry for so many messages, I’m just adding these as I find them so I don’t forget.)

Lvl 12:
routes directions (all directions) should be toutes directions I think

Lvl 22:
la belle-sœur is translated as stepsister, whereas it should be sister-in-law.
les persons défavorisées (disadvantaged people) should be les personnes défavorisées.

Thanks for your help, Amy. I have not had time to go through everything yet so your input is appreciated. I’ll make changes as I go. Let me know if you find other errors/typos.

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Thank you to whoever is making all the changes. It’s really helpful :slight_smile: .

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Thanks, Nicole. I’m about 3/4 of the way through now. Then I’ll review to see if there is anything I have overlooked comparing it to AQA’s list. I took the liberty of adding some words and reorganizing it a bit. But everything in the GCSE is there plus some extra. I know there are a lot of people going through this course and it is my pleasure to help. Best wishes!

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I thought it was you that was updating it but I wasn’t 100%.

I just wanted you to know your work is much appreciated.

Thank you

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@Bon-papa , Please can you add something to distingush between the words in level 1:

  • meilleur and mieux (better),
  • mauvaise and mal (bad),
  • pire andnd plus mal (worse)
    in order to avoid confusion like some examples stated above.
    Thank you.