Error in 'Teach Yourself Welsh'

I am enjoying the ‘Teach Yourself Welsh’ Course. by meneghis

There is an error in the course where the word ‘Mamiaith’ (Mother Tongue) is spelt ‘mamlaith’. The fourth letter should be an ‘i’ not an ‘l’.

Would it be possible for the author to correct this?

Many thanks,


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It doesn’t look as if @meneghis has a forum account :frowning:

It would be very helpful if there were some way of fixing the lesson
problems. I could do it if I had access.

it might also be a useful thing if Memrise allowed people to note when they
thought a question was wrong. It could stop it coming up for that person
and perhaps trigger a review if enough people marked the same issue.


'ö-Dzin Tridral
[image: https://]
Achos pan ddaw y Pedwar Marchog i ofyn a roist ti o dy gyfan - fydd gen ti
ddim esgus - Meinir Gwilym :wheel_of_dharma:

You can already mark items as skipped and they will not show up for you.

To be honest, though, I found out about this forum more or less by chance - I wish it were more obvious to course maintainers that this forum exists and that it would be a good idea to be responsive to questions and issues.

The main site doesn’t even have a private message functionality!

Dear Mizinamo,

Thank you for taking the time to reply. I have, at last, found the
’ignore’ option on Android and I’ll make use of that. It’s a shame,
though, that there is no way of indicating errors and correcting them.

best regards,


'ö-Dzin Tridral
[image: https://]
Achos pan ddaw y Pedwar Marchog i ofyn a roist ti o dy gyfan - fydd gen ti
ddim esgus - Meinir Gwilym :wheel_of_dharma:

Yes, I too noticed the mamiaith error and couldn’t see how to get this corrected. it’s not satisfactory to just ignore it, because there will be others innocently mislearning this word. Now, on level 11 , I find wedi written as wedl, again with an l instead of an i. This is a much more serious error, as learning it wrongly would impact on practising past tense. (After all, mother tongue is not exactly the most important word you need to learn! ) How do I know there aren’t other errors ?

WAs also suspicious about the phrase for I’m sorry, and on checking online i find that in fact the w and the r are the wrong way round. Should be ddrwg, not ddwrg. I went some way with the original Teach Yourself Welsh course that this memrise course is based on (albeit 20 years ago, and i did not finish it), so some mistakes jump out at me.