[Error correction] JLPT N2 漢字 - 日本語総まとめ by シャイン

Hello, Trying to contact the creator @シャイン.
Tagging author with Japanese name doesn’t seem to work.
Here is a link to author’s page

There are a couple of errors on the JLPT N2 漢字 - 日本語総まとめ course.

Attempt at tagging memrise staff: @MemriseSupport

  • (第3週2日目)For the lessons on 蔵, there is a typo for 内蔵 where 臓 is used instead.

  • (第4週1日目)住宅 is listed as じゅたく instead of じゅうたく

  • (第5週4日目)刺さる is listed as 刺せる(a potential form conjugation of 刺す)

I might post more if I find them.

I wish you could really send messages to the creators directly instead of having to post and wait for their response :confused:

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Hi @Kong_Kexun, we’ve sent the creator a message to review your post and consider adding you as contributor to the course.