Enable sound effects in desktop version

"I normally use the mobile apps, but when I use the desktop version, I notice there are no sound effects.

I actually find all the “correct word” sound effects strangely rewarding. It would be nice to have an option to enable them in the desktop version. Just a thought. Thanks!"
/Posted by Matt_Mendoza60 Sep 17 , last update Oct 13

The fact that desktop-users does not have access to encouraging sounds is just absurd.
It’s the only reason I used the app instead(until you sliced and diced the android app-layout).

Please fix this error of yours.
Thanks in advance!
Friendly wishes, r3mpuh. =)

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no thanks…

I’d prefer resources to be applied somwhere else - fixing bugs, listening to the wishes of course creators/users etc. Why should the web version become a copycat version of the app?

(p.s. from experience: memrise is not keen on offering options/customising the UI, but pushing down the throat various stuff “for the own good of the learner”… noises would ruin my learning)


There is atleast 2 simple ways to mute sound for only memrise/chrome alone. One provided by memrise.
There is 0 ways to get encouraging sounds on desktop atm. Basic future, nothing “copy-cat” about it.

Picture of 2 methods by disabling sounds atm, one provided by memrise, no need to worry.

Yours sincerely, r3mpuh.

I’m with @Hydroptere on this one. I don’t like the sounds on the app and I muted them there. If I learned that Memrise was dedicating time to adding them to the website, I would be dissapointed.

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@r3mpuh: if I used your methods of muting - wouldn’t I mute the sound of spoken words too I WANT to listen to? And thanks @DrewSSP: I never rechecked my options with the app after installing it. Muted the sound effects now …

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