Empty dashboard

I would like to report that my dashboard is empty. I can’t learn through website. I can only see courses through ‘view profile’.

I don’t know about the app, but do you have a “filter courses by” set?

Do you mind taking a screenshot of your dashboard?

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Can you send us a screenshot of your developer console?

I’m sorry, the problem was on my side. Something wrong with my firefox, maybe some broken extension (but even when i disable manually all extensions problem still exist). Everything works well on chrome and firefox in private window.
In developer console i get this error: NS_ERROR_STORAGE_IOERR.

Same problem here!
I use Firefox, too. My Dasboard looks like the screen jacekxp2 posted.
The app works fine.

And please, please could someone explain it in german.

In English I will not get.:blush::unamused:

Can you use Google Chrome for the meantime while we figure out the solution.

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So, I have the same exact problem, and now its May 2017.

my dashboard is empty as of today… can see the courses I’m taking only via the profile page

but I cannot review, learn, etc

is this some sort of a punitive measure? thanks!!!

thanks, I don’t really see that well…however, it seems that memrise changed the UI once again. If I may dare, given that I have reinstall line by line my CSS script for memrise, do you have a CCS line for disabling the streak clock (mine is not functioning anymore…)? I am not using goals and to see how my time is passing away (I am not 20) is rather demotivating for me

Looking at my dashboard would be the worst possible way to try to guess what an unmodified dashboard would look like.

I haven’t hidden the pro streak thing. It just doesn’t load now. If it does load for you I’d post a screenshot of that as well.

how did you make it not to load? I went into the developer settings of firefox, but there are thousand of rules for the memrise dashboard, cannot find the one refering to the clock…

Everything is back to normal for me now. If you like me to make you something, post 2 screenshots, one where the thing is like it is now, and one where you’ve blacked out what you don’t want to see. I’ll then look at it when I have some time.

To find the element you want to hide, right-click on it and click “Inspect Element,” then hovering over the different elements in the console will highlight the element on the page.

(jezieee, now the chinese script looks like h** as well, darn…)

this clock


  /*don't show pro-streak countdown*/
  div#m-sidebar-goal-countdown {display: none !important;}

Yesterday I had to allow a different cloudfront script than before to make the dashboard work again.

all good gods bless you!