"Edit" not appearing during review as course creator

Today I was doing reviews during my livestream when I noticed there was no “edit card” (or equivalent) on entry. Note this is while doing a “home review” of Japanese courses (reviews all due material from all courses). On all of these, I am the course creator.

I tested reviewing due cards on individual courses and the “edit” link appears. This is only happening in the home review and only disappeared recently (at least in last two days).

Is this an iOS bug? I didn’t realize this was ever a feature on he iOS app (but I also don’t use that app).

There has never been any edit functionality in the iOS app so perhaps this is a web issue? I’m moving it to the right section.

I think this bug and this bug are probably the same. @Marcus.W, can you please take a look?

Username: FatalError
Platform used when experiencing the issue: web
Date of first occurrence: 18.08.2017
Frequency of occurrence: every reviewing of all courses
Description of steps you took when issue happened:
The button “Edit” disappeared in the reviewing menu of all courses. I tried to clear a browser but that didn’t help. The problem happend in Chrome and in Edge so I assume it’s a common problem. I attach screenshots for more details.

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I’ve merged the two threads.

Oh and I am just a Memrise user with some extra forum authorization, not a Memrise employee.

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Ah, I see! I misunderstood, sorry.

So, how to figure out when the problem is going to be resolved?

Same problem here, which has rather affected my Memrise workflow.

The missing Edit button is still outstanding and a real nuisance.

Sorted now. Many thanks.

Are you going to fix the problem?

i see the “edit” in all my courses…

I find that opening and editing (even without making changes) the course in question fixes this for the time being - until it fails again - it’s like the system does not consider you logged in if it’s been a certain amount of time since you were actively editing

I have recently been added as a contributor to a course but was unable to find the edit button. I checked with the co-author and they assured me that I have been added as a contributor. I think it’s the same issue that is mentioned in this thread…
I have tried clearing the browser but that didn’t help and editing other courses didn’t cause the edit button to suddenly appear.
Any ideas? I appreciate the help.

@Lurch, where are you looking for the edit button? If you open up the course (not reviewing or learning new words, but opening the course so that you can see the levels), do you see an edit button there?

@neoncube There is no edit button during review nor when I merely open up the course to see the levels.
I tried logging off. restarting etc but nothing has changed. At first I thought it was just because this was the first time I’ve been added as a contributor, so maybe the edit button would be located elsewhere, or there could be a delay, but it has been several days and I am still unable to find anything even resembling an edit button.

It sounds to me like maybe you somehow didn’t actually get added as a contributor, then :slight_smile: Can you contact the person that said that they added you and ask them to confirm that you were added as a contributor?

You should also be able to edit the course adding “/edit” to the end of the course’s URL. For example, for the course https://www.memrise.com/course/353/characters-1001-1500-in-mandarin-chinese/, going to https://www.memrise.com/course/353/characters-1001-1500-in-mandarin-chinese/edit/ let’s me edit the course.

@Lurch, okay, I took a look at your account, and it does show you as a contributor to this course: https://www.memrise.com/course/317333/vokabular-modernes-hocharabisch-lektionen-1-23/

Is this the course that you’re supposed to be a contributor on? If so, there should be an “Edit Course” button when you go to the above link.