Edit difficult word list?

Can your difficult word list be edited? I have a few I don’t need (hit the wrong answer by mistake,) and other words that I’d like to add.

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To remove words, you’ll need to get to your difficult words list. From the dashboard, click “More”, underneath the learning graph (on the left side). From there, click “Difficult words” in the upper-right. You can open up each course that has difficult words, and click the lightning bolt next to any entry to remove it from the list.

To add words, you need to be in the respective item’s ‘overview screen’ (the one where you first learn it, choose a mem, etc. You can get here after learning the item by using the ‘preview’ feature, getting the item wrong in review, or quickly hitting the escape key after getting it right. The same lightning bolt icon should be in the upper-right, underneath the flower icon. Clicking this will add it to the list.

Bear in mind though that last I heard, items added manually to the list will not be removed as you get them right like ones added automatically. If that still applies, you’ll have to remove them yourself later if you don’t want them in there anymore.


I can’t find the “dashboard” or the “more” you speak of.

You can access your DWs across all courses in the learning statistics (top right) or click → here

@MemriseSupport: is something wrong with the list of difficult words across all courses? I keep getting “502 Bad Gateway”. I was able to load it successfully once, but all other attempts (at least 6 or so) failed with this error. See my previous posting for the link!

If it’s any help @MemriseSupport, this is what I see when I click on “Difficult Words”:

Hi both, thanks for flagging. I’ve raised this with the web team.