Hi Friends. How can I edit my mem afterward? I‘m german and learn the english language.
Hope I‘ve written correctly.
Hallo Freunde. Wie kann ich mein Mem nachträglich bearbeiten?
Es schleichen sich schon mal Tippfehler ein.
Hi Friends. How can I edit my mem afterward? I‘m german and learn the english language.
Hope I‘ve written correctly.
Hallo Freunde. Wie kann ich mein Mem nachträglich bearbeiten?
Es schleichen sich schon mal Tippfehler ein.
Go to your Profile page on the website and then select “Mems”. Scroll down the mems you have created and hover your mouse over the mem you want to edit. Two icons will appear in the top right corner - a pencil and a trashcan. Click on the pencil icon to get the edit screen.