Edexcel GCSE French so many errors

Found FAITGANT word for Tiring, instead of FATIGANT, and so many other spelling mistakes in this course!!!

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It always helps to provide a link to the course you’re asking about. I suppose it could be this one:

If that’s right, there is some information in the very first level, i.e. the → Editor’s Note, most importantly a → contributor named LanguageBox which you can tag here: @LanguageBox. Even though (s)he was last seen well over 2 years ago. But why not give it a try. :wink:

If s/he doesn’t respond, you could as well apply to be a co-contributor of the course to do the benevolent work of fixing the mistakes.

Many thanks Olaf. You have the right course. Incredible how many spelling errors here. I am about 75% into the course and I have written to “Language Box” to correct all these errors. If no response, I will offer my services (not sure how) to get them fixed to save the nightmare of losing points. Apparently Brussel Sport is the correct answer to one section, not Brussel Sprout which shows up in the same box of answers!!! If you click on the latter it comes up as wrong and the former right!

Andy “PondĂ©jon” Clarke

Thanks Johnas. I have written to Language Box. How do I apply to be a co-contributor of the course?

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Read this posting:

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Guess what? Another error on Edexcel GCSE French. Oiseaux Marines put as Sea Life instead of Sea Birds.

I mean Oiseaux Marins.

Hi. Does anybody know who is co-ordinator of this course as I have a problem completing level 37. I click on New Words and doesn’t load so can’t finish section.

Looking at the OP’s profile, it’s probably this one:

Level 37 opens for me, so it should be possible to use the “Learn these words” button from the level page.

The course creator @KChiponda has a forum profile but hasn’t been seen since last September. This tag may get a response.

Edit: Just spotted this other related thread:

Edexcel GCSE French so many errors

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Yes you’ve got the right course and I have done level 37 but it says 186/187 words and won’t let me do the last word/phrase so I can’t finish the level.

How do I get around this? Do I ignore the level at the end of the course?


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Hi @Pondejon,

When you open the level page for Level 37, are you able to see which item is causing the problem? If you haven’t already done so, I would just move on to Level 38 etc and complete the course as far as you are able to. I have a couple of courses I am learning which have a similar ‘bug’ and can’t be totally completed.

It seems this particular course has had many issues (not helped by having such huge levels) and @LanguageBox, who was a contributor, is no longer around. Did you ever follow-up with the ‘abandoned courses’ procedure? That might be your best option.

Good luck!

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Is there nobody acting as co-ordinator for this course. The course is great and I am 95% through but a shame about all the errors.

Can’t wait to start maybe AQA French courses. If I had time, I would like to co-ordinate or contribute and iron out the course. Will the AQA courses have errors too?


sorry to be a pain but what is the abandoned course procedure?


Hi @Pondejon,

No apology needed. There is a link to it in @Olaf.Rabbachin’s post No 6 dated Dec 21 above (you may be able to go straight to “Step 2”). It certainly looks like this course is not currently supported. The procedure can take a couple of weeks but, if the Memrise people are unable to get a response from the course originator, they will most likely grant you contributor status and you will then be able to fix some or all of the mistakes/bugs.

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I don’t want to be rude, but it sure would help if you would at least read through this thread here before posting. It doesn’t make much sense (nor fun) to repeat every single piece of advice again and again.

This, by the way, is the least that we, the folks who are just trying to help you, would expect from you.

I hope to contribute too although I’m not sure now good it will be.