Early Access for everyone!

thnx, hard to find, not very intuitive :frowning:


I highly recommend you rethinking the decision to exclude grammar lessons in the new version. Grammar is a vital part to deeply understanding a language and itā€™s lacking in a lot of competitor apps.


This is horrific. Goodbye Memrise


I think that the new version is just awful, counter intuitive and everything is mixed. My progress did not transfer fully, only some part of it.
Just leave the old version for people who want to stay + if you must add some changes, simply add more official courses :slight_smile:


Will downloading and saving the current 1 to 7 courses still be accessable via our phones?

And where - under Community Courses perhaps?


They are going to remove offline mode for official courses (maybe for user created courses too, I donā€™t know), it wonā€™t be available in the new version of Memrise. At least thatā€™s what has been said by James.

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You put my thoughts and feelings into words perfectly. Although I purchased a lifetime membership last November, Iā€™ve left Memrise for Anki. Itā€™s truly disheartening because I loved Memrise and sang its praises, but not anymore. I wasnā€™t even able to complete the seven classic courses. Perhaps after I learn more vocabulary, Iā€™ll come back for Immersion, MemBot, and the community courses. Weā€™ll see.


It seems weird that Memrise built its app as a platform for learning distinct print items, and now itā€™s going completely in the other direction and emphasizing conversation. There are lots of language learning programs that emphasize conversation. Almost all of them, in fact. I like Memrise because of what it does differently.


In the official courses that have been completely converted to the new format, is there a way to view the vocabulary lists, e.g., for review or to mark words as ā€œknownā€ or ā€œdifficultā€?

I donā€™t see a way to look at the word lists in early-access Chinese (official), so I think Iā€™ll go back to the classic version now.

Thank you! I had completely missed that.

I hope Memrise leaves those right there ā€“ that would be a nice accommodation for customers who prefer that format.


Yeah, itā€™s counterintuitive, but that mayā€™ve been the point. The next steps will be to keep them largely hidden in this way for about a year, then say nobody utilizes them except for a handful of stubborn legacy users, and use that as a justification for getting rid of them. Hopefully not, but apparently they werenā€™t willing to invest any time in maintaining/troubleshooting them even before laying off a bunch of their coders. I just hope they will realize that would be very, very stupid. :crossed_fingers:


Iā€™m starting to suspect we might be on a bus without a driver.


Iā€™ve left my thoughts in another thread, and Iā€™ve been lurking in this thread for some time. I havenā€™t used Memrise in months, since the initial announcement of the new system. If I wanted a Duolingo experience, I would have gone and paid the premium fee over there. Recently, I came back to the app, and Iā€™ve almost finished an alphabet course in a new language. When I decided to come to the Memrise website to look for similar courses, so I could further memorize the alphabet, I found that I could not locate any of the community courses on the app. I had to manually search for the community courses I wanted on Google.

Honestly, this app hasnā€™t been the same since they changed from the purple layout. From that terrible mascot, to the ugly font, to restructuring the points system, to decks, to removing mems, to this new subscription model, they have completely lost the plot. I have no idea why they didnā€™t have two modes to their service: classic (for lifetime/legacy/free users) and beta for new people interested in the latest and greatest content. Iā€™m not confident that weā€™ll have access to the old content weā€™ve come to know and love. Now, Iā€™m seeing that I need to blaze through official Memrise courses. Thankfully, Iā€™m on French 6, but I just decided to start Russian.

One part of me kind of wants my money back, as this lifetime subscription hasnā€™t been everything I hoped it would be. That said, I do feel like Iā€™ve gotten good value for my money these past six years. Iā€™m going to try and complete as many official courses as I can, and work on all the community courses I have available. Once Memrise rips those from us, Iā€™m leaving the app and never coming back. Iā€™ll go back to books, CDs and DVDs. Iā€™m so done with computer apps. Nothing out there was as good as Memrise, and even if they start out okay, theyā€™ll eventually care more about profit than the voice of the customer.

I realize Iā€™m just dumping on you, Polly, but Iā€™ve really enjoyed reading what you, Olaf, and DW have had to say across these threads. Thanks for trying to keep Memrise accountable.


It has actually been like that for many years: you can only add Memrise courses from within the app, all community courses must be added via the website.

That said, go ā†’ here and look for a course (note that the search is a real PITA, you might need a bit of patience to find what youā€™re looking for ā€¦).
Once you found a course, start a learning session on the web. After you finished the first session, you should find the course in your app.

If the course doesnā€™t appear in the app, pull down in the course list and, if that still doesnā€™t help, look ā†’ here.


Sorry, I wrote that incorrectly. Yes, youā€™re right, the community courses that youā€™re not registered for havenā€™t been visible on the app for some time. However, it used to be easy to navigate to on the Memrise website. I used to be able to click on the course tab, and navigate between community-created content and the official Memrise lessons. Now, I canā€™t seem to find them at all. Thank you for the link, Iā€™m going to try it. I appreciate the help!

Update: I see it now. Thank you so much! I donā€™t know what was happening this past weekend, but all I was seeing was the prompt to join the new subscription model.


Huh. Speaking as a newish desktop (web-using) customer, some aspects of the service seem more smartphone-centric.

Iā€™m not sure whether I understand you correctly.

If youā€™re asking yourself about the differences between the web and the apps: there are many such differences, even the iOS and the Android app have them.
Iā€™m not sure whether or not Memrise treats any system with a higher priority, but I do think that the web is what they develop first, so if thereā€™s one system in their center of attention, I believe itā€™s the web.

That said and just in case you got a wrong impression: Iā€™m just a fellow user and not affiliated with Memrise.

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Hi everyone,

Some small feedback on the early access:
I noticed the notification on my main screen of memrise, where I usually click the button to continue learning my current favourite language (Arabic). So reading more about it within the app I decided to try it - and then got lost on the screen to select a language:

Turns out both languages I am learning were not available. And on that first screen there is no option for going back to the previous courses / opting out of the early access. Only way forward was selecting a language to learn, I didnā€™t actually want to learn :frowning:
It was totally not obvious for me how to proceed in this situation, and also I would have expected memrise app only offer me the early access if I had been learning a language that was available.

For the record, I am learning both Hebrew and Arabic.

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To go back: on the top left, click on the current language, scroll down to the bottom and then select ā€œCommunity coursesā€ to go back to ā€œclassicā€. There also is a screenshot further up here in this thread.

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I just want to rant a little, knowing it will not make any difference.

Once I have completed a course I cannot reset it to re-learn the word/phrase. Classic/speed review essentially assumes that I KNOW it. I donā€™t know it, I need to PRACTICE it.

Pre-Early Access the structure felt perfect. I never felt like I was learning anything from Duolingo or Drops, but Memrise was helping me learn so quickly and confidently. This is because of the topic structure - 1, 2 and so on, and it could be repeated - which is necessary for learning. Now it is a bunch of topics to work through and move on to the next one.

If I go to the ā€˜Practiceā€™ area, complete a review, I am then taken back to the dashboard page. Why would I want a dashboard? Iā€™m here to learn, not look at statistics. Make the dashboard an option, not the default.

Pre-Early Access the structure was building up words into phrases, and on to longer phrases, so that it was easier to digest. Some of the ā€˜beginnerā€™ topics now go from one word to complex 8-word phrases without any explanation of the words and their usage.

Itā€™s all feeling like ā€œright idea, wrong executionā€. I do have to wonder what the customer feedback was prior to this change, it would surprise me to hear that it was positive. To be clear, I LOVED using Memrise for the past few months. But now I am not sure about renewing my subscription as itā€™s just frustrating to do basic things now.