Duolingo Vietnamese Vocabulary

to the creator of this cours
Duolingo Vietnamese Vocabulary

first of all thank you for makin this cours but if you could point differences between certain words it would be great, because it becomes tierding at some point to have to guess what is the wright answer…

đây - this, these

đó - that, those

kia - that, those

này - this, these

những (plural)

các (plural)

non-living thing (classifier)

non-living thing (classifier)

book (classifier)

book (classifier)

Hope you can fix!

Hi there, those terms are interchangeable and are all already added as alternates for each other, so entering either should work.

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well it didn’t … kia and do for example… nay and day … i had problems and i had to guess which is which … :frowning:

I’ll try messing around with it over the next week, and see if I can find the issue.

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great, i will send you this days a complete list with words i had issues with (well the ones that i have learned so far) thank you kindky for your respons!

Here’s a suggestion. I think that there are some alternates that should be accepted. The first is words should be accepted with and without con, quả, hướng, and mùa. Also, there are some words, such as khỏe/khoẻ and tòa/toà that differ depending on input mode.