Drag/Drop Word Order Bug in French A1 Course

The phrase is correct as entered. However, the “check” function returns an error. The red-highlighted words are “manger” and “moi.” I’m not sure why this error is occurring, but I had to mark the phrase for ignore in order to proceed.

The phrase is part of the French A1 Course, Level 49.



The sentence does not sound correct to me. Are you sure the real french sentence shouldn’t be “tu peux regarder la télé et manger de la pizza avec moi”?

As a native french speaker, I would definitely add “de” in this answer. The sentence you wrote would have a slightly different meaning: you said “do you want to eat the pizza with me” instead of “do you want to eat pizza with me”.

As for the highlighted words, this is weird. Maybe Memrise has a difficult time knowing which words are actually wrong if there is only one word missing?

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@csmith7553 tu peux regarder la télé et manger de la pizza avec moi is the correct French sentence.

Before making a bug report, please make sure to double check your spelling. Regarding the wrong words being highlighted, I am unsure what is causing this to happen. I believe everything after manger should be highlighted red, as the sentence is incorrect without the de.