Does PRO offer more vocabulary than the free version of the app?

Does PRO add more vocabulary? I memorized all the French up to level 7 and want to learn more. I’m happy to pay for PRO if I can learn more, but I don’t want to sign up if PRO doesn’t add more vocabulary.

No. The same vocabulary is available for everyone. Pro just gives you access to the “meet the natives videos” in the official courses that have that feature, difficult words list, and the ability to download the card decks to use for offline play. If I am leaving any feature out that Pro offers, someone will correct my omission.


Thank you.

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If you want to learn more vocabulary, start looking through the user-created courses. There are more courses there than anyone could hope to ever complete, so you should be able to find some at the right level.

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Thank you, but I have no idea how to find or search for user-created courses. Is there a link? Are they organized by language? If you have the time, I’d love some guidance. In any case - thanks again.

I only use it in a web browser. I imagine there’s guidance somewhere else on this forum for how to find the user-created courses in the app. The memrise-written ones are just the tip of a very large iceberg.


From the website homepage, scroll down and click on “FAQ and Help”. You will find guidance there on how to find courses in the app and on the web version.


Thank you.

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Thank you.

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Scroll down past the official Memrise courses, and you’ll see the user-created courses.

(Obviously, if you want to learn other languages, you can simply select one from the left side-bar.)

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I don’t get any pronunciation of the French words with the user-created courses. Are they all like that, or is there something wrong with my settings? Hearing the words pronounced in French is a huge help, both for memorizing, pronunciation, and listening comprehension.

I just found a user-created course that has all the sound, including the pronunciation of the French words. I wonder why some of them don’t have the full audio.

Not everyone records audio files. Presumably these users expect you to be past a beginner’s level, with an advanced knowledge of pronunciation.


Check out cooljingle’s Memrise-Audio-Provider user script.

It can play audio even the creator/contributor has not uploaded audo to their user course for some/all words. I successfully tested it with my Portuguese 50languages Memrise course where not all words/sentences had audio uploaded.

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