Does Memrise have plan to make courses for other languages?

Is this it? Or you have a plan to add new languages?

I would like to candidate Greek. There is no good comprehensive course for Greek.


really? Any argument for what all “comprehensove” Greek courses are bad? I know some made by Greek natives, they respect “progression” etc, have native audio,e tc
 I never had the impression the memrise made courses excel in quality, in comparison with user made courses. If you look at the fora, and zillion of issues reported by users, you can reach the impression that the house made courses are now good because users reported mistakes

I am sorry if I offended anyone. I didn’t mean to do it.

Courses that only have words with translation are not enough for me. It is hard to learn language word by word.

Memrise courses have some context. And many Greek courses don’t have audio.

Greek language with their own alphabet is hard enough. Without context and audio, it is hard to learn, IMHO.


I will vote for Icelandic.


don’t worry, that woman is always offended. and yes there are many languages that have bad courses, like vietnamese (lucky for me an user made a good one recently) and mongol
 and a few others 
 icelandic as well!


does it have full audio?

it has audio and a few videos, but it’s a short course.

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I personally would love to see Dutch for Russian speakers (for my husband) and Russian for Dutch speakers (for me). :grin:
They shouldn’t be that hard to add since both courses are already available for English speakers and both use pretty much the same words and sentences.

That’s lovely. Do you guys communicate thru English mostly then?

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Yes, but my English is far more advanced than his. So I’ve learnt to talk in a way so that he understands me. :slight_smile:

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Well I see you are already leading the best russian course out there right now. The Duolingo one. :slight_smile:

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