Hey all, let’s jump straight to it.
A while ago a made a thread about releasing An Unofficial Memrise Discord, we only got 2 applicants which is a real shame. But I’d like to hear your opinions. Shall we release it, or not as Memrise will partially due to Decks. And will you use it upon release?
Cancel the Project.
Release it please.
I would use it often
I would use it sometimes
I would join it but not use it too much.
I wouldn’t use it at all.
And finally, please click on the link to the previous topic! As applications are still open. You don’t need to help 24/7 if we release. We just need more than I and @isharr running it.
Hey, you posted this in another thread but I figured I’d post my reply here:
Why not just rebrand the Discord as a Decks Discord? Decks is most likely going to happen whether people like it or not, and I figure we should make the best of it. A Discord could be extremely beneficial .
Yeah, more people may come to share their own courses. As I (and pretty much no-one else) would use it for Official courses. I’ll add a new poll to my topic.