I’ve asked this in the old fora as well, never got an answer…
given that the user cannot override typos, etc I’ve made my Malay Intermediate course a no-typing course, several months ago. [Bahasa (meaning = “language”) has such a strange orthography for an European ear…]
However, I am not happy with this: my retention rate is much lower.
But not being able to override typos was, of course, not the single reason… Did anybody discover, does anybody know a good disambiguation method for Bahasa Melayu and Bahasa Indonesia??? how do I point to the user (how do I know myself ) which verb I ask for, given the agglutination phenomenon and the many synonyms? Not to mention the Malay govt. changing the language as they feel appropriate… I cannot give the root as a hint, because then you know you have just to add be/mem/men etc…
edit: i’ve made as well an intermediate Bahasa Indonesia course, where I start to “reach the limits”, having all synonyms in the same entry is by far not the best solution… proving a hint (the first letter in brackets) works in a limited measure