Digital learning, Moocs

Unfortunately only for those understanding German: here a very interesting article about the dark side of Coursera and Udacity - “Incapacitation as purpose of education”


danke für den Link,
sehr interessanter Artikel.

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Anyone to provide a general gist of the article? Thanks.

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maybe one of these days @Nigu84, now I’m caught between weekend stuff and Nice and Turkey news. Sorry

No hurry at all. Those are much more important issues.

Take care.

You should be able to read any webpage in any language by opening it with with Google chrome and using the page translate feature.

I think your German is rather… very poor. The article does not speak about what could happen, but about what happens.

Google tranlsate cannot hold with such level, ever.

FAZ always had a conservative propaganda dash over it, but … “paranoid” says more about yourself (and you’re using it quite often)

I was a bit too tired and quick when I read that (first page) I see, and wrote from memory a day later. You’re right.

Thanks for the inputs.

Yes, google translate gives you a quick fix, but misses nuances and quite frankly, is pretty tiring to read, especially if more than a few sentences.

@Arete_Hime, I see you retracted your post, but could read it in my emails. That way, I can understand the rest of the posts.

@Hydroptere, as my German is rather poor, I’m not arguing about if the data-mining of personal information happens or not, but on a personal level, I totally don’t mind if it happens. Such profiling has made my life easier in the past (i.e. through the Google Now app that provides user-tailored information on my phone). Even if I understand the bigger picture arguments that warn against such behaviour, frankly, I personally don’t care. It’s happening, it’s going to happen, fighting it is a personal waste of time, and the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. MOOCS are amazing tools. So what if I get contacted by recruiters that know about my learning habits. I’m still happy if other people take such matters at heart so that there is some control to avoid blatant abuse, but my fatalist approach of life tells me not to loose time with it myself. I’d rather just follow the basic rule with respect to my online life: “don’t post anything you don’t want others to see”. Anyhow, I’m ranting. Back to things that matter.

OT: This translating machine is a bit better than Google Translate:

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was reading for the first time in life the “naked capitalism” blog, and found this “languages” site
quite interesting


you don’t really know German if you cannot understand (“understand” being the minimum; what about write and speak like) Thomas Mann, Th Adorno and… Don Alphonso!

(note for very sensitive souls: his last entries in Deux es Machina are about hypocrisy and the US election results; FAZ is the flagship of conservative media in Germany, but, of course, “voted for” Clinton)