Difficult Words not effective?

Hello everyone, thank you beforehand :slight_smile:
I just bought Premium like a week ago, because I was very interested on ussing the Difficult word button, that way I could practice the words that I had wrong on the normal review, but :confused: seems like it doens’t work as I would like to, is this normal? explanation below:

Ok so, I don’t want to add words manually to “difficult words”, I want the system to detect the words by itself but, this is what is happening. After I do a normal review and get a word wrong, the system adds it to difficult words, but right after then they highlight the Dificult word button for me to use it JUST after the normal review, so if the system is recommending me to use it, I will use it. But obviosly I will get it right because I just got it bad on the normal review and the word is fresh in my mind, and after I get it right 2 or 3 times in the difficult word section (usually its like 1 or 2 words only) then the system detect that I got it right 3 times in a row (if they are asking me the same word in a row obviosly I will get it right, will not?), and then they remove it from difficult words. I don’t think this is effective or am I using it wrong???
I mean, they shouldn’t remove the word from difficult words and keep asking it everyday or something like that, not remove it the same day the word became flagged as difficult.

Am I using it wrong? Is this normal?
thank you

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Then I’m really dissapointed about the feature, paying just to repeat the word you got wrong another 3 times is just useless.
I was hoping for a more complex algorithm, similar to the normal review one that ask the dificult word in different intervals of time, if you got it right then ask in 30 min, then 1h, then 4h etc etc, not just repeat the word in 5 minutes untill the system unflag the word as dificult.


Thanks for the tip, but I only bought 1 month to try it first, will cancel the suscription today, thank you.

Can you tell me which other feature is worth?