Difficult word bug Yoruba language course web only

There are a few instances for the Yoruba language on the web version where the course does not accept the correct answer after it has been submitted. This usually occurs for me when a word has been added to the “difficult words” list. This doesn’t happen with every word that is added, and I’ve only observed this behavior on the web version.

In order to reproduce this error I (1a) miss this word during normal course (review/learning) OR (1b) flag the word as difficult (2) review the word online as part of the difficult word review (3) input the correct answer (4) submit the answer.

The only way for me to fix this is to review the word on the IOS version of the application.

I am on a windows 10 pc using the latest version of chrome. screen shot below

A post was merged into an existing topic: New Difficult Words Mode now in Beta