Hi… I recently changed phones from an older android phone to a newer one. I had had memrise on the old one and redownloaded it on the new one and have noticed some weird differences and i’m not sure what to think of it.
characters are written slightly different. For instance the hiragana “sa” in the old one was two lines (essentially looked like a backwards 5 where the top line crossed the perpendicular… but in the new one it is 3 lines where there is a split at the top of the curve (no big deal just weird…wondering if it was just a display/screen size thing?
I swear some of the spellings are different… like goodbye… on my old phone i could have sworn it was spelled sayoUnara (and in hiragana, which i dont have on this computer: sa-yo-U-na-ra) but on the new one it is spelled sayonara (leaving out the U in the hiragana as well). Am I crazy??? or was there a mass overhaul of the japanese language between what is possibly two different versions on two different phones???
I’ve noticed the spelling changes too, and it’s not just on the mobile app, it’s on the site as well. I know the course creator has been overhauling the course, and technically the romaji spelling of “sayonara” and “arigato” are the standard accepted spellings (instead of sayouranra and arigatou). However the silent “u” should remain present in the hiragana. Go to the Japanese 1 course board to report that.
Also, they completely retooled the Japanese 1-3 courses. It’s no longer all in hiragana … they are now teaching everything in the proper character sets (so if the word is written in kanji or katakana, that’s what they are teaching). It makes a lot more sense now, I think.
The original course was a mix of romaji and furigana (hiragana), with some kanji and katakana introduced later. The new updated one is split into either full kana script (hiragana, katakana, and kanji) or no script at all (just romaji).
Just checked: still 3 type of courses. Only romaji (Japanese no script)
with white flowers; Full version with rosered/pink darker flovers; the old
version with purple background and a . The 3rd one is still accessible
but I don’t know if they still support it.
The original course was a mix of romaji and furigana (hiragana), with some
kanji and katakana introduced later. The new updated one is split into
either full kana script (hiragana, katakana, and kanji) or no script at all
(just romaji).