Did something change with the typed responses?

I’m really happy with this change! It gives me time to think before I hit the key! :blush:

Agree, auto-accept for the web-site is quite a bad idea, I’m unhappy with it. Hopefully I’ll be able to turn it off, but for now I couln’t find the way to do it in the preferences… really annoying.


I am english learner and I am disappointed with the recent changes. I remember I had a trouble with learning the word “cauldron” as I spelled it as “cauldrone” (with this extra “e” at the end of the word). Now with this auto-accept feature I wouldn’t even realize that I make mistake :frowning:


I found a workaround, how to avoid that irritating auto-accept: use capital letters, at least one in the phrase, or press Caps, then the phrase (fortunately!) won’t be accepted automatically, but will be accepted once you’ve pressed Enter.
Of course, it’s suitable for languages with latin or cyrillic (tested with English, Spanish and Macedonian) script and not suitible for Hebrew/Georgian/Arabic, since they don’t have capital letters. Didn’t test it for eastern languages.


Thank you very much! I just tried to start all my answers with a capital and now it won’t auto-accept anymore.
Ofcourse I still wish that they would make auto-accept optional, but at least this is a good temporary fix. Thanks again.


Personally love the new auto accept function.

Been making a lot of missess in japanese since there’s sometimes few words or few ways to write for the one asked so i can just type and if it doesn’t accept type new one.

Before i’d just auto write my first thought and press enter.

If devs ever decide to remove it cause some people don’t like please leave it for japanese, or as an option.

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for that you should contact the course creator to introduce the synonyms (or what you think the synonyms are - if you speak about mixing the kanji and hiragana responses, i never had a pb, as the system tells me to give one or the other); for such problems auto-accept (synonyms, etc) is not suitable solution

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Thing is there are different courses for different language levels, that said some of them really could do that…
Oh well, i’m cool as it is, it makes me think about alternatives before answering builds up connection between words.

As for kanji/kana had few fun ones where author asks for japanese - which as he describes commonly used version… thing is when you learn both hiragana and kanji you might answer kanji as a habit(since they’re mostly kanji) and get it wrong cause author decided hiragana is more common.

Then there’s stuff like present, which got me many times おくりもの/贈り物 and … プレゼント

there’s couple more, but they build up frustration cause they appear a lot and often you know them very well yet they keep on failing and reappearing…

Let’s not forget about mistyping the words :smiley: those got me quite a few times as well, usually ones with n

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Actually had to hit the forum for this one.

The auto-accept feature for Japanese is terrible when using Japanese input.

  1. Accepts answers immediately so you know that if you typed the wrong kanji and can just go correct it (wrong for learning)
  2. Accepts answers before the conversion is finished, meaning that when it hits the next screen, you have to delete the previous answer (which automatically populates).

The combination of these two takes memrise from being a useful site to being basically trash for my use case. A simple switch in the preferences (“correct answers are automatically accepted: Yes/No”) would make the site usable again.

I’ll check in to see if this glaring flaw is fixed, but it’s kind of sad since I have been using the site for years and recommending it to people. Might have to find some other place now.

Personally I’ve been using Clozemaster since the change. For French rather than Japanese, so I’m not sure if it’s as good for Japanese, but it could be worth a try.

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it is worth a try, I am doing the same, the site owner answers fast. However, most sentences are in the informal register, and this not only when about Japanese…

I amend the above: google translate is seldom right, and this and tatoeba seem the make the trick for clozemaster…

I’ve been using Clozemaster for a while (it’s great for sentences) and now I’m testing Anki (looks good for vocabulary flashcards and I’m quite pleased with the features I have discovered/understood so far). My Memrise time has dropped…


I found only today some 30 mistakes… but I am using it now :wink:

Are you doing multiple-choice for Cloze or typing input?

If it’s the former, how long have you been using it because I’d like to start frequenting Cloze but want to make sure people are getting good benefits.

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Typing. Multiple choice felt too easy, it wouldn’t teach me much. The good thing about cloze tests is that typing is not that hard even on a mobile phone, because I only type one word out of the whole sentence.

I’ve been using it for several months, I think.


Thanks for the recommendation.

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You’re welcome!

I have also been using typing input; just seemed a better way to really learn the words. But I’ve only been using it for a little over a week (since the day after the change on Memrise), so I can’t say much yet about whether or not I’m getting good benefits.

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Its not at all working for japanese.

everytime i type japanese to answer a question, it automatically gets green when i type the correct one. The problem is that i dont press enter, so Google input automatically saves the result. When i type the next answer it automatically fills the last words i typed, where i did not press enter. Is there a way to solve this, its pretty annoying as i always have to delete before typing a new word.