Hi. Just realized something strange, when you click on my profile picture. My description doesn’t appear (see first picture). And when you physically go onto my profile. It’s there. (see second picture)
I presume this is by design - the first is merely a quick and concise info/version that allows you to get some basic info about a poster, the full profile being for the so inclined user.
could we be talking at cross-purposes? I was under the impression that “description” refers to the text that is displayed right underneath the user name. I. e. “New Year […]” for @MarshallLanguages res. “little bird, big world […]” on yours, @isharr.
I was under the impression that what you refer to is meant to be ‘real name’ (clearly abused by many — including me — to make an inane comment/give holiday wishes), and that ‘description’ is the about me blurb below that. Sorry, @Olaf.Rabbachin — didn’t mean to confuse.
Ah, I see what you mean now, and you’re right. I do have a feeling that your emoticons might be the reason for the About Me text not showing up.
FWIW, this will be a bug in the forum software itself, so the Memrise team won’t be able to do much about it.
I suppose the best option would probably be to post a report in the forum software’s own bugs board. Good luck!
Yeah, that’s kind of interesting. Guess @Olaf.Rabbachin had it right. Emojis are so messy, anyway, lol; I always struggle to read stuff with them in (the picture ones, anyway).
You, likely, once I’ve dekinked the lookups bot. Probably ought to sound people out, too. We might not even be allowed to do it, or they might know of a legit one out there that we’ve missed; you know any admins well, Mr Leader?
See you’ve been working hard on your learning. I actually lost all my streaks by falling asleep randomly : ( So annoying, when most of them are 150+
Haha. Well. I may ask Joshua or MemriseMatty. Via DM, I don’t really know them as I was selected to be leader from the site, but they always seem to help me. I’ll DM em now.
I was suspecting a leading emoticon to be the trigger, but that’s not the case - I just checked, worked fine for me.
Since you’ve changed your About Me text we’re now lacking a repro scenario too. Not that it’s all too important to have emoticons on your bio, I suppose. True for me at least.