Decks by Memrise—Not a fan. Hope they change their mind

So if you have a community created deck, say goodbye to ever using any sort of app. I tried to reach out to them on Twitter and I was hoping maybe the mobile site at best would be a temporary solution until they made an app we can use. Nope. It’s clear that they want to use their Memrise app for their courses and nothing more, which is disappointing. The decks users created was my primary use of the app and I’m sure how most people used it because their courses, at least, the one I used, left a lot to be desired. We need to voice our disapproval because the path that Memrise is on is not desirable to us as consumers.

Here is the tweet when I reached out to them.


Look at mine tweet:

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Let’s use #Memrexit hashtag instead (MRexit is identical with MrExit and that was taken already)

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I swear, if I ever hear/see “mobile-friendly website” and “completely free” again, I’ll go insane. Do they really think we’re that gullible?


They probably think that the community decks are stopping the popularity of their courses so they want to remove the community decks and focus on their courses in a way to eventually charge more money.

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I payed for the premium version because I liked the concept to build own courses and to use them offline. To loose this feature but to get decks for „free“ instead - I‘m definitely not amused!

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