Daily Streaks and Word Reviews


I am Learning a Language on the mobile app, and now I have to review a lot of Words now to remember them and to not forget them. And if I try to get the Daily thing With only reviewing old Words, it won’t work. Anyone could give me tips on how to get the daily streak and remember all the Words? (I am not a Pro User.) Thanks.

Honestly, I wouldn’t worry about the streak and would instead just review the words :slight_smile:


Yeah youre probably right :slight_smile:

Ya. The streak feature is kind of weird anyway, IMO, because it’s per course, so if you finish learning everything in a course, then I think your streak just dies (although there are bugs that make it so that this sometimes/maybe often doesn’t happen),

Is the streak still be shown on the mobile app for a finished course?
The streak ends on the website.

However sometimes I get those Memrise Pro popup windows, that I am doing the course xx days and they want me to offer a 20% discount.
So they seem to still have a running counter, which is not displayed on the web as a real streak.

I better like DuoLingo’s way, that reviewing + learning counts as a streak, at least to get your global streak (badget) running each day.
Having my badget stuck on 95 days is not a big motivation for me.

I am even not able to login into my existing Memrise e-mail account on Bluestacks emulator for the Android app, as a different Bluestacks id is being used.
Too bad.

Would love to test out Memrise bots (and I do not want to create a 2nd Google id).