I have read about this before, but cannot find the forum.
This problem happens most days. When it swaps over to a new day, the daily goal is already counted as complete. I then have to change to the next time zone and check later to see that it changed. Sometimes, I have to go through 4 different time zones to get it to understand that I have not completed my goal for the day. This is frustrating as I set my daily goals to keep track of my learning.
I can confirm this problem that Memrise is “double-counting” the new streak for a short period of time (usually minutes).
Have you tried just waiting for 15 / 30-60 minutes?
I am on GMT+1 (Germany) / CET and I always have the same effect around 00:00am to 00:05 / 00:10 / 0:15 or may it be up to 0:30am.
I believe it is because the server / the script is hosted on a different timezone??
May new timezone setting is changed to GMT+0 (UK time), so I now have time to complete my goal until 01:00am for counting as the same day.
DuoLingo timezone e.g closes at 23:59:59pm.
Two services resetting at 00:00am - a nightmare!
Doesn’t it suck that you may have completed 1300-1400 points, but around ± midnight you can easily lose your streak just because 100-200 points are missing?
After losing my streak (e.g 90+) I am not that motivated anymore to daily review the words - just like with completed Memrise courses (where no streak data is available on the web portal)!!
AnkiSRS uses the better way (I am reading manuals/forum for using the application - have not actively used it yet), to switch to the next day when you are already sleeping.
The AnkiSRS default (customizable in settings) is 04:00am when this configured rollover occurs.
Switching over around 4:00 am, that is so sensible. I remember this transit system, that also would count 01:00 and 02:00 as belonging to the previous day for day-ticket validity. 3 and 4 am is really the time both late and early people are probably sleeping.
@Thomas.Heiss: mind making it a feature request?
[Feature Request]: Date rollover for streak count at 04:00 am